2022 - 2023 Of The Month Award Winners
Listed by month, type (individual, community, program), and then alphabetically by category
- Advisor: Vanessa Danek, NRHH
- Faculty Member: Kathleen Woolf, UHall
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: Katie Wang, IRHC
- Hall Council/IRHC GA Member: Max Vetter, UHall
- Pro/Grad Staff: Michael Palazzo, UHall
- FYRE RA: Anoushka Basu, UHall
- TRUE RA: Jacqueline LeKachman, Broome
- OA: Annette Milu, Paulson
- Spotlight: Karen Bullard, Rubin
- Student: Katie Wang, IRHC & NRHH
- FYRE Community: Founders Hall RA Team, Founders
- TRUE Community: Destiny Tullis & Bianca Torrente, Palladium
- Other Community: Inter-Residence Hall Council E-Board, IRHC
- Diversity Program: Black Girls Who Can't Braid, Founders
- Educational Program: Thirsty Thursday, UHall
- Passive Program: Academic Support: UHall Spring CDP, UHall
- Social Program: Ultra-Violet Live, IRHC
- Wellness Program: Narcan Training and Certification, UHall
- Advisor: Erika Reyes, Second Street
- RA TRUE: Sophie Leiton Toomey, Carlyle
- Spotlight: Karen Bullard, Rubin
- Student: Abby Brachio, NRHH
- Social Program: Ramadan at Rubin, Rubin
- Advisor: Lauren West, Third North
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: Simon Nagles, Weinstein
- Pro/Grad Staff: Neil Butler, Third North
- RA FYRE: Maxton Preuniger, Brittany
- Spotlight: Roshan Vemu, RA Council
- Educational Program: Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?, Palladium
- Service Program: Soap for Students On-campus Assistance Program (SSOAP), Rubin
- Social Program: Rubin Hall Noodle Bar, Rubin
- Wellness Program: Much Love, Broome
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: David Bernstein, IRHC
- Hall Council/IRHC GA Member: Logan Novick, Third North
- Pro/Grad Staff: Sandra Chang, Paulson
- RA FYRE: Olivia Whiteside, Brittany
- RA TRUE: Sophie Leiton Toomey, Carlyle
- OA: Annette Milu, Paulson
- Spotlight: Mayobanex Morales, Paulson
- Other Community: OA Team at the Paulson Center, Paulson
- Diversity Program: Black Girls that Can't Braid, UHall
- Educational Program: How to: Food Stamps!, Gramercy
- Social Program: Ultra-Violet Live, IRHC
- Wellness Program: Heart Ur Parts, Brittany
- None were submitted
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: Christine Hu, Broome
- RA TRUE: Calvin Tan, Gramercy
- OA: Kelci-Brooke Goodison, Broome
- Spotlight: Othmer CSO Team, Brooklyn Halls
- Passive Program: Finals Week Study Room, Palladium
- Wellness Program: Stress Relief Puppy Party, Carlyle
- Advisor: Bianca Nkwonta, IRHC
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board member: Katie Wang, IRHC
- RA FYRE: Nora Dillon, Rubin
- RA TRUE: Ariana Peguero, Gramercy
- Educational Program: Plant Potting Party, Rubin
- Social Program: Autumn Festival, Carlyle
- Wellness Program: Ice Skating at the Rink, Palladium
- Faculty Member: David Hollander, Founders
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: Ian Askie, IRHC
- Pro/Grad Staff Member: Matt Falgowski, 7A
- RA TRUE: Sophie Leiton Toomey, Carlyle
- Educational Program: 7A's Lending Library, 7A
- Social Program: Feed Phil, Palladium
- Wellness Program: Fall Cookie Decorating, Palladium
- Hall Council/IRHC E-Board Member: Cindy Zhang, IRHC
- Pro/Grad Staff Member: Michelle Moyna, Greenwich
- Student: Cladio Falcioni, Second Street
- Diversity Program: Book Tour Part 3 w/ RA Christina & RA Jackie, Broome
- Social Program: Hall Snacks with Sash and Jo: Charcuterie Night, Rubin